About Me

South Africa
Thanks for popping by my blog!! I am a photographer who is crazy about all things photography. I especially love taking pics of gorgeous preggie tummies, newborn and infants, and children. Here on my blog you'll find sneak peaks of my client's shoots, as well as personal photos of my gorgeous three boys and my sweet little girl... who lived 491 miraculous, wonderful days, a testament that Trisomy 18 is not "incompatable with life". I love my children. I love my husband. I love God. And I am ridiculously obsessed with my camera! Keep popping by!!

Friday, September 30, 2011

MCP Actions Before and After Blueprint

I wanted to share a before and after shot taken using MCP Actions. I love using actions... aside from the quick and easy factor (if it's a toss up between lots of time editing, or spending time with my kids... my kids win hands down... this ensures that!); but I also just love the depth and colour these actions can bring to my images. I also love the way they're customizable, meaning that I really am still making the images mine, and giving them my own twist, rather than someone elses!

After pulling the SOOC image in, and making some minor exposure tweaks, I went straight in, and on one click used the MCP Mini Fusion set. In this set I adjusted the tones to my liking, as well as making adjustments to the some of the contrasts. I burned in the edges a bit, and masked out the stuff I needed to to lighten or darken where needed.

I love this set. This image took me maybe 5 minutes. Tops. Easy peasy pie!

My image. Only better.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

{Preggy Belly} - maternity newborn photographer durban ballito

Yay! Another girl is on the way!!

I really enjoy doing pregnancy shoots. Knowing that a sweet little bundle of joy is to come.. and all the promise that that brings. This shoot was great... and it was a cloudy day with occasional spurts of sun... a huge softbox, with great semi-moody-semi-blue skies! Just lovely for those outdoor shots.

And I am really excited to take photos of this little girl when she is born. LOVE taking photos of girls.




Tuesday, September 13, 2011

{Gorgeous G} - Child Newborn Maternity Photographer, Ballito, Durban

I so enjoyed this sesson with young {G}. What a sweet girl. She was full of spunk, and was keen for all the changes, and just spent the whole session chatting away to me. I loved it!

Hope you love the pics as much as I do, L:




Thursday, September 8, 2011

{Angelic H} - Newborn Child Maternity Photography Ballito Durban

This sweet little girl arrived with a seriously full tummy, but decided she wanted to be awake! And so we got the most beautiful shots of her wide awake and looking around. Such a beautiful little girl... just like her mum!

And then she fell asleep... and properly, and we could play with lots of poses. Such a gem!

Look at those deep, gorgeous eyes:

Loving the family shot:

And here's where we really got to have fun:

{Baby T} - Newborn Photographer Ballito Durban

I am seriously behind on my blogging, what with my daughter being in hospital, and running around a big like a chicken without a head.

This little chap was very dear, and good as gold.



Precious Mum & Babe picture. Love the intimacy of this picture. Precious.