"I am my BELOVED's.... and my BELOVED is mine" - Song of Songs 6:3
To me, there is no greater connection than the connection that is God Inspired. God Ordained. As it is for marriage. And so, being part of watching the connection between a married couple- the beautiful, deep connection... *sigh*... it's such a privilege.
My best is seeing what the husbands bring along- how wonderful it is to see men who stand up for their wives... who care for them, love them, cherish them. And how beautiful to see wives that honour, respect and love their husbands. Our roles are so clear- and so beautiful when fulfilled.
Yes... I am my BELOVED's and my [BELOVED] is mine.
The start of this shoot saw us arrive to the most beautiful rainbow. Thank you Lord! What a way to start such a special photo-shoot. There were laughs. Lots. There were tears. Some surprises. Oh, and in all my excitement I even provided entertainment for the evening by falling off a bench. Charming! And of course, I took FAR too many pictures. But it was worth it. Oh! So worth it :)